fredag 24 december 2010

A Holiday Story part 25

25 December


Back home Susie starts with the Christmas dinner preparations.

torsdag 23 december 2010

A Holiday Story part 24

24 December

Nen, Nohan and Susie leaves on the carpet the next morning to explore the surroundings around Strangetown.

A Holiday Story part 23

23 December


When the Pink Wizard has left Ulli wants to be alone for a while and do some meditation.

onsdag 22 december 2010

tisdag 21 december 2010

måndag 20 december 2010

söndag 19 december 2010

lördag 18 december 2010

A Holiday Story part 18

18 December

Nohan receive mails about snowmen she sends snowmen to different places around the Sims world.

fredag 17 december 2010

A Holiday Story part 17

17 December

Mrs Santa is back.
"I'm happy to  see Meg, Nen and Ulli. You did a great work Mel!"  Mrs Santa says
"I did it for my sisters" Mel says with a smile.
"We are glad she made it!" Nen says.
"Oh yes we are! I wouldn't want to be a duck for the rest of my life." Meg says

tisdag 14 december 2010

söndag 12 december 2010

A Holiday Story part 12

12 December


Cookie leaves the room with the couches and walks to the left.

lördag 11 december 2010

torsdag 9 december 2010

onsdag 8 december 2010

A Holiday Story part 8

8 December


The next morning I woke up with an odd feeling then I remember the quiz.

I wondered what would happen the words was "makes you wanna dance".

What was I supposed to do?

I had some breakfast and thought I go and read the news. So I went outside to pick up the paper

tisdag 7 december 2010

A Holiday Story part 7

7 December



When we woke up the next morning there was a wishing well in our garden.

måndag 6 december 2010

A Holiday Story part 6

6 December

The next morning Susie goes out on the porch and don't find the plate and the gnome is gone too.

söndag 5 december 2010

A Holiday Story part 5

5 December

Susie sits in the kitchen she is very tense for her quiz.
What on earth does "Is on your porch" mean?
What is she supposed to do?
She hears a knock on the door and when she opens it there is nobody.

lördag 4 december 2010

A Holiday story part 4

4 December

Next morning Nen goes to the Orion's Park.
She has Mel and Meg with her because both Cookie and Cam had to work.
They walk towards the pond.

fredag 3 december 2010

A Holiday Story part 3

3 December

"How do you think we can help you?"

"Where did you see your spaceship for the last time?"

"Do you have any employees you don't trust?"

We all start to ask questions at the same time.

torsdag 2 december 2010

A Holiday story part 2

2 December

Suddenly there is a knock on the door.
"Who can that be are you expecting anyone?" Cam is asking when she walks to the front door.
She opens the door and outside stands a beautiful woman