I'm working hard to be recognized at work,
I have sent Pm's about improvements and a lot of different presentation about the company.
The day was a happy day when I moved up from sector B to sector A .
I work close with Mr Morgan's closest team now.

One morning Mr Morgan Jr calls for me.
"You have made a very good presentation and you have got good references from the customers.
As you know my private secretary, Mrs Snell is going for her retirement, she has been in this company for 20 years now.
I'm going to need a new secretary. I have been watching you for a while and I think you are the right one for this job.
Do you want the job?" Mr Morgan Jr asks.

Do I want the job!?!
I take a moment and try to hide my feelings I don't want to give the wrong impression.

"Yes Mr Morgan I would like the job, very much, thank you!"

"Good! Then it's settled, you have to go to Mrs Snell and she is going to tech you all the things you don't already know.
She is working this week and on Monday morning I expect you to start as my private secretary ."
"Yes Mr Morgan I'm a fast learner I'll be skilled on Monday morning.

When I walked out of Mr Morgan's office I was flying on clouds my goal was fullfilled.

When I came home that night I told Paul about my promotion.

"Great, you deserved it!
You have been working so hard to get this promotion, I'm so happy for you!
Congratulations!!" Paul says and hugs me.
"I think we have to celebrate I take you out for dinner" Paul says.

The place is not a fancy one at least I didn't have to make dinner tonight.
I don't do dinner that often Paul is a very good chef, but I do think Paul could afford a nicer place than this!

When we got home I really felt we needed to move to a better neighborhood.
I started to talk with Paul about moving. I did that once but he refused I`m willing to give him one more chance.

"No we have talked about this earlier and I'm not moving.
I like it here I have no intentions to move!" Paul says and sounds a little upset.

"But the neighbours are so noisy and they have those garden parties every Saturday evening.
We can't stay here we don't belong here!" I'm trying to sound convincing.
"Elsa we do belong here we do work for our living and so does our neighbours.
They just want to have some fun when they are off work.
Last Saturday I though you where enjoying your self a lot at the garden party." Paul says.

"But they are..." Then I realized I was alone Paul went outside to play some chess with one of those noisy ones.
"I have said this before but now I have decided;
I'm leaving without you Paul as soon as I have found that new place and a new man!" Elsa speaks with herself
Chapter 4 - A man can´t be so hard to find.

Morgan & son is going to have a party for the employees. This is going to be my chance to shine.
I have bought a new dress and some new makeup.
I have been looking around to find somebody to replace Paul with and I think I have found my target

I have asked Tami about him he works at the sector D as a sales director.
Tami works at sector D as a project leader and she has told me his name is Alex Kelly, she knows him quite well they are both from Belladonna Heights that's about ten minutes away with a car from here.

Now it's party time!
Tami introduces me for Alex he has nice brown eyes and a charming smile.

I fell my heart take an extra jump when he looks at me with that smile.
"Hi Elsa I'm pleased to meet you!
You are working with Mr Morgan aren't you?" he asks
"Yes I`am" I nod my head and think Oh he has seen me, good.
"Have you eaten something from the buffet yet?" he asks and points at the buffet table
"No I haven't?"

"Good then we can grab a bite and talk some more" he says and walks to the buffet table.
I only nod and walk with him towards the table.

We sit down by a table and we talk about the company we are working on and we talk about Belladonna Cove.

"We do have lot in common can I ask you out some other time?" He asks.

"Like a date?"
"Yeah like a date" he says.
"What about Friday night? We could have some dinner and grab a movie or something like that" He says with that smile.

Is he a mind reader.. but I try to not be to exited about this date I try to look like I'm thinking.
"I think I'm of then....yes Friday is nice"
"I pick you up after work then"
"Yes that will be fine"

When I got home to Paul that night I have a little regrets but not to much.
With Alex Kelly I will rise a step or two.
He probably has a nicer apartment and his monthly payment must be much better than mine.

A woman has to look after her house. Nothing lasts forever, not beauty or youth.
I don´t want to sit in an old caravan and cut out coupons for cheap meat from the shop adds.
Nope I better take this chance!
Bye bye Paul and welcome Alex!!
Chapter 5 Belladonna Heights

After a long drive and many stops at all these nice shops and other fun looking places, we arrive to the Belladonna Heights and Ullis house.

"The house looks the same and Hedda is at home." Ulli says when she is unlocking the door.

We all go inside and explore the house it's huge.
"Where have you been all this time?" Nen asks and pets Hedda when she returns to the kitchen.

"She has been taken care of Aunt Ella. She lives in that little white house we passed on our way." Ulli says
"The one on the other side of the road?" Nen asks.
"Yes that's the one. Ella has been living her like for ever.
She used to take care of me when I was a little girl, when my mom had to work" Ulli says while she is carrying her suitcase into the house.
"Now she is taking care of your cat!" Cam says and sounds ironic.

"It's good to have a neighbour like that" Susie says.
" Didn't you have more half siblings Ulli?" Cam asks.
"Yes I do. I have a sister and a brother. My brother lives in Belladonna Cove "the big city".My sister moved to Pleasantview for a year ago." Ulli answers
"Now I remember I knew you had told us!" Nen says.

"Aunt Ella is sister to my stepfather. My mom and my stepfather lives in Pleasantview too.
When they decide to move I bought this house from them my siblings didn't want it.
They were much more interested in in the city life down town." Ulli continues the story.
"Of course they did, are they younger than you?" Susie asks.

"Yes I'm the oldest sister. I'm hungry what about lunch?"
"At last I didn't think you would ask!" Nohan says and looks starving.
"What have we got?" Susie asks.
"Let's have a look" Ulli says and walks to the kitchen.

Susie and Ulli finds some hamburgers and some tomatoes.

We all sit down for lunch.
"What's the plans for today?" Nohan asks.
"I think I saw an add for a museum somewhere." Cam says.

"Yes that must be for the art museum in Belladonna Cove. We need to shop some groceries too." Ulli says.

"We can go shopping some groceries me and Nohan" Nen suggest.
"I think I would like to go to that museum" Cam says.
"Me too!" Susie says.
"Well then let's go" Ulli says and starts to pick some of the dishes.

Nohan and Nen drives around for a while and at last they find a grocery shop.
They park the car and walk into the shop.
"Hi and Welcome I'm Paul can I help you!" a man ask Nohan.
"Yes please I'm looking for some milk and coffee and...." Nohan says.
"This way" the nice shopkeeper says.

"That was a nice young man by the shop I think I have to go there for milk some other day as well!" Nohan says when they come home again.

"I think they had a lot of cheap things in that shop. We have to go there and shop more!" Nen says.

At the art museum we have a great time.
Cam thinks the art is very amusing..

We lost Cam for a while and decided to have a soda and some snacks.

Cam found us and she bought some snacks too.
That's a very rude man staring at Cam while she is eating.

"OK guys are we ready I have seen every painting and all art that is possible to have in this house, are we going home?" Ulli asks.
"Yes miss Ulli we are" Cam says.
"I'm tired and I long for a cup of tea" Susie says.
"We'd better hurry then before Susie gets a tea breakdown!" Cam says and laughs.
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